

Abstract #100225 Published in IGR 23-1

Risk Factors for Glaucoma Drainage Device Revision or Removal Using the IRIS Registry

Hall NE; Chang EK; Chang EK; Samuel S; Gupta S; Klug E; Elze T; Lorch AC; Miller JW; Solá-Del Valle D; Solá-Del Valle D
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2022; 240: 302-320

PURPOSE: To elucidate risk factors for revision or removal of glaucoma drainage devices (GDD) in glaucoma patients in the United States. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. METHODS: IRIS Registry (Intelligent Research in Sight) patients who underwent GDD insertion between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2018 were included. Various demographic and clinical factors were collected. Kaplan-Meier survival plots, Cox proportional-hazard models utilizing Firth's Penalized Likelihood, and multivariate linear regression models were used. The main outcome measures were hazard ratios (HR) and beta coefficient (β) estimates. RESULTS: A total of 44,330 distinct patients underwent at least 1 GDD implantation, and 3354 of these underwent subsequent GDD revision or removal surgery. With failure defined as GDD revision/removal, factors significantly associated with decreased failure included unknown race (HR = 0.83; P = .004) and unknown ethnicity (HR = 0.68; P < .001). Factors associated with increased risk of GDD revision/removal surgery included presence of chronic angle-closure glaucoma (HR = 1.32; P < .001) and dry eye disease (HR = 1.30; P = .007). Additionally, factors associated with a decreased average time (in days) to GDD revision/removal included male sex (β = -25.96; P = .044), unknown race (β = -55.28; P = .013), and right-eye laterality (β = -38.67; P = .026). Factors associated with an increased average time to GDD revision/removal included having a history of a past eye procedure (β = 104.83; P < .001) and being an active smoker (β = 38.15; P = .024). CONCLUSIONS: The size and scope of the IRIS Registry allows for detection of subtle associations between risk factors and GDD revision or removal surgery. The aforementioned demographic and clinical factors may all have an impact on GDD longevity and can inform the treatment options available for glaucoma patients.

From Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School (N.E.H, E.K.C, S.S, S.G, T.E, A.C.L, J.W.M, D.S-D.V).

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