

Abstract #10383 Published in IGR 6-1

Correlation between glaucomatous hemifield scotomas in white-on-white perimetry and blue-on-yellow perimetry using the oculus twinfield perimeter

Denk PO; Markovic M; Knorr M
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2004; 221: 109-115

INTRODUCTION: The Twinfield Perimeter can be used for white-on-white and blue-on-yellow perimetry. Since the normative database which is used fort the calculation of the visual field indices for both strategies is based on data from white-on-white perimetric evaluations of normal persons using the Tubinger Automatikperimeter, the validity of this approach may be questioned. In the study, the authors compared the correlation of white-on-white (W/W) and blue-on-yellow (B/Y) visual fields in glaucoma patients with a hemifield scotoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One eye each from 40 normal persons and from 40 glaucoma patients was included in the study. Both W/W perimetry and B/Y perimetry were performed using the Twinfield Perimeter (Oculus, Modell 56 900, Wetzlar, Germany). From the sensitivity values determined with the 30/2 strategy, the authors calculated the mean sensitivity (MS) and mean deviation (MD) of the total field and of both hemifields (HMS bzw. HMD) separately. Normal values derived from the normal persons included in the present study were compared with the normal values used by the Twinfield Perimeter. In order to determine the strength of the association of B/Y and W/W hemifield scotoma, the authors calculated the linear correlation coefficient (Pearson's R) between the HMD of B/Y und W/W hemifields. RESULTS: The MS of both glaucoma patients and normal persons was determined to be significantly higher for B/Y visual fields (14.17 ± 4.15 and 20.97 ± 3.56) compared to W/W visual fields (10.70 ± 3.19 or 15.98 ± 3.3). When normal values from the Twinfield Perimeter were applied, the MD for normal persons was calculated to be - 4.69 ± 3.22 compared to 0 ± 3.6 when it was calculated with the normal values from the study. For both normal values, the authors confirmed a strong correlation between HMD values of W/W and B/Y visual fields. CONCLUSIONS: Since the mean sensitivity of B/Y visual fields is higher than the mean sensitivity of W/W visual fields, calculations of the MD of B/Y visual fields of glaucoma patients should be based on normative databases which are derived from B/Y visual fields of normal persons.LA: German

Dr. P.O. Denk, Universitatsaugenklinik Tubingen, Abteilung I, Erkrankungen des vorderen und hinteren Augenabschnittes, Tuebingen, Germany.


6.6.2 Automated (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests)
6.6.3 Special methods (e.g. color, contrast, SWAP etc.) (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests)

Issue 6-1

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