OBJECTIVE: To study the histopathologic changes of filtering blebs by subconjunctival application of perfluoropropane (C(3)F(8)) after trabeculectomy in rabbit eyes. METHODS: Twenty rabbits were randomly divided into two groups, each group consisting of 10 rabbits. Trabeculectomy with topical application of C(3)F(8) was performed on one eye and trabeculectomy alone on the other eye in first group. Whereas, trabeculectomy with topical application of mitomycine (MMC) was performed on one eye and trabeculectomy with topical application of C(3)F(8) on the other eye in second group. Histopathologic changes in filter bleb were investigated by immunostaining at 3 days, and at week 1, 2, 3, and 4 after surgery. RESULTS: Fibroblasts: The numbers of fibroblasts in eyes after trabeculectomy with C(3)F(8) gas as well as trabeculectomy with MMC were significantly reduced (P < 0.05) compared to eyes with trabeculectomy alone. There was no significant statistical difference in the numbers of fibroblasts between trabeculectomy with C(3)F(8) gas group and trabeculectomy with MMC group. Newly formed collagen fiber: Immunostaining of collagen fibers showed that the numbers of newly formed collagen fibers in trabeculectomy with C(3)F(8) gas group and trabeculectomy with MMC group were significantly decreased compared to trabeculectomy alone group. However, there was no significant statistical difference between numbers of fibers in trabeculectomy with C(3)F(8) gas group and trabeculectomy with MMC group. Neovascularization and inflammation of filtering blebs: The differences were not statistically significant among trabeculectomy with C(3)F(8) gas, trabeculectomy with MMC group and trabeculectomy alone group. CONCLUSION: Trabeculectomy with subconjunctival retention of C(3)F(8) gas can enhance the success rates of surgery by suppressing the growth of fibroblasts and synthesis of newly formed collagen fibers, and by inhibiting scar formation. LA: Chinese
Dr. Yu, Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi. 2004 Feb;40(2):82-6
12.8.2 With tube implant or other drainage devices (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment > 12.8 Filtering surgery)