

Abstract #105892 Published in IGR 23-3

A genome-wide association study to investigate genetic loci associated with primary glaucoma in American Cocker Spaniels

Gomes FE; Gomes FE; Casanova MI; Mouttham L; Bannasch DL; Bannasch DL; Park S; Kim S; Young LJ; Daley NL; Daley NL; Thomasy SM; Castelhano MG; Ledbetter EC; Holmberg B; Boyd R; van der Woerdt A; McDonald J; Hayward JJ
American Journal of Veterinary Research 2022; 83: 1-8

OBJECTIVE: To identify genetic associations with primary glaucoma (PG) in American Cocker Spaniels using a genome-wide association study (GWAS). ANIMALS: A nationwide ambidirectional case-control cohort study was performed in American Cocker Spaniels that had an ophthalmic examination performed by a veterinarian. Ninety-four dogs with PG (cases) and 111 dogs without glaucoma (controls) met phenotypic criteria and had a blood sample collected after receiving informed owner consent. PROCEDURES: Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood samples and genotyped (CanineHD BeadChip, Illumina Inc). A case-control GWAS using a linear mixed model was performed, and 3 significance thresholds were calculated (1) using a Bonferroni correction on all single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) included in the GWAS, (2) using a Bonferroni correction on only the unlinked SNPs from a pruned data set, and (3) using 10,000 random phenotype permutations. RESULTS: Following genotype data quality control, 89 cases and 93 controls were included in the GWAS. We identified an association on canine chromosome (CFA10); however, it did not reach statistical significance. Potential candidate genes within the surrounding linkage disequilibrium interval include coiled-coil domain containing 85A (CCDC85A) and extracellular growth factor containing fibulin extracellular matrix protein 1 (EFEMP1). CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Primary glaucoma in the American Cocker Spaniel is a complex heterogeneous disease that may be influenced by a locus on CFA10. The candidate genes CCDC85A and EFEMP1 within the identified linkage disequilibrium interval have been shown to be involved in human open-angle glaucoma.

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