
WGA Rescources

Abstract #10892 Published in IGR 6-2

The amino acid 10% L-arginin.HCl combined with 0.5% timoptol and with 2% trusopt: Effectivity check and comparison with the single compounds - Experiment on rabbits

Veselovsky J; Olah Z; Vesela A; Gressnerova S
Česka a Slovenska Oftalmologie 2004; 60: 163-170

The presented experimental work is focused to examine effectivity of the amino acid 10% L-arginin.HCl mixture with antiglaucomatic - 2% Trusopt (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) and with 0.5% Timoptol (non-selective β-blocker) and of the each single compound on intraocular pressure (IOP). In the group of 5 rabbits (New Zealander White) with physiological levels of IOP already the single amino acid L-arginin.HCl decreased the IOP (for 18.4% compared with 0.5% Timoptol and for 9.7% with 2% Trusopt). In case of mixture with the mentioned antiglaucomatics the L-arginin.HCl significantly increases their activity. The showed results indicate the presence of the free amino acids and their interaction with the adequate antiglaucomatic is required for correct action. Based on this interaction a new bio-active metabolite is created (possibly called as "bio-antiglaucomatic"). LA: SLOVAK

J. Veselovsky, Kat. Zivocisnej Fyziol. a Etologie, PriF UK, Mlynska dolina B/2, 842 15 Bratislava SR


11.14 Investigational drugs; pharmacological experiments (Part of: 11 Medical treatment)

Issue 6-2

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