OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) is involved in experimental elevated intraocular pressure of rabbits. METHODS: Fixed red blood cells was injected into anterior chamber to create intraocular hypertention models of rabbits. Apoptosis of RGCs was monitored by electron microscopy and flow cytometry (FCM). RESULTS: Intraocular hypertention occurred in majority of animals. Many positive apoptosis RGCs were observed in intraocular hypetention models of rabbits under the microscopy. The frequency of RGCs apoptosis was 7.6-9.3 per 1 000. CONCLUSION: Injecting fixed red blood cells into anterior chamber is a effective way to establish intraocular hypertention model, and apoptosis is a main form of death of RGCs in experimental high intraocular pressure in animal. LA: Chinese
H. Yuan, Department of Ophthalmology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150086
5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models