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Abstract #109445 Published in IGR 24-1/2

Neuro-ophthalmic Complications in Pediatric Leukemia

Rothfield L; Falcone MM; Gaier ED; Heidary G; Gise R
Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology 2023; 43: 520-524

BACKGROUND: Optic neuropathy in childhood leukemia occurs through multiple direct and indirect mechanisms, including leukemic infiltration of the optic nerve, infection, blood dyscrasias, or adverse effects of treatment. We aimed to characterize visual outcomes in pediatric patients with leukemia-associated neuro-ophthalmic manifestations. METHODS: We retrospectively identified patients with leukemia and optic nerve pathology over 13 years by diagnostic billing codes. We collected information on demographics, presentation, treatment course, and visual outcomes directly from medical records. RESULTS: Of the 19 patients who met inclusion criteria, 17 (89.5%) had pseudotumor cerebri and 2 had direct optic nerve infiltration. Causes of increased intracranial pressure included central nervous system infiltration (6 of 17), hyperviscosity/leukemia (2 of 17), venous sinus thrombosis (3 of 17), medication induced (5 of 17), and bacterial meningitis (1 of 17). 47.1% (8 of 17) had papilledema at the time of leukemia diagnosis, and 94.1% (16 of 17) of patients with pseudotumor cerebri were treated with acetazolamide. At presentation, 3 patients had decreased vision secondary to macular ischemia, subhyaloid vitreous hemorrhage, or steroid induced glaucoma. Following treatment of pseudotumor cerebri, binocular visual acuity was ≥20/25 in all patients. One patient with optic nerve infiltration had a final visual acuity of count fingers in the affected eye. CONCLUSIONS: In our chart review, the most common mechanism of neuro-ophthalmic involvement in pediatric leukemia was elevated intracranial pressure from a myriad of causes. Visual outcomes from patients with elevated intracranial pressure were excellent. Understanding the mechanisms by which leukemia can cause optic nerve disease in pediatric patients can facilitate earlier diagnosis and treatment and potentially improve visual outcomes.

Department of Ophthalmology (LR), Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (MMF), University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida; Department of Ophthalmology (EDG, GH, RG), Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Harvard Medical School (EDG, GH, RG), Boston, Massachusetts; and Picower Institute for Learning and Memory (EDG), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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