
WGA Rescources

Abstract #109765 Published in IGR 24-1/2

Recruiting Populations at Higher Risk for Glaucoma and Other Eye Diseases Experiencing Eye Health Disparities

Sapru S; Price SM; Hark LA; Rhodes LA; Newman-Casey PA
Ophthalmic Epidemiology 2023; 0: 1-9

See also comment(s) by Rupert Bourne

PURPOSE: We compared recruitment of participants at high risk for glaucoma and other eye diseases in three community-based studies designed to improve access to eye care in underserved populations in New York City, Alabama, and Michigan. METHODS: We used (1) participant data collected at enrollment (e.g. demographic, medical conditions, healthcare access, and method of hearing about study) and (2) interviews with study staff to assess effective recruitment strategies in enrolling people at high risk for eye disease. We analyzed participant data using descriptive statistics and interview data using content analysis to categorize responses to questions. RESULTS: In these community-based studies, all sites recruited greater proportions of populations with increased risk of eye disease compared to their estimates in the US population. High-risk characteristics varied based on the setting (i.e. Federally Qualified Health Centers or affordable housing buildings). Older adults represented 35% to 57%; 43% to 56% identified as Black; 1% to 40% as Hispanic/Latino; 20% to 42% reported a family history of glaucoma; 32% to 61% reported diabetes; and 50% to 67% reported high blood pressure. Social risk factors for under-utilization of eye care due to poverty included that 43% to 70% of participants had high school or lower education; 16% to 40% were employed; and 7% and 31% had no health insurance. From a qualitative perspective, active, personalized, culturally sensitive methods were most effective in recruiting participants. CONCLUSION: Implementing eye disease detection interventions in community-based settings facilitated recruiting individuals at high risk for glaucoma and other eye diseases.

Public Health Practice, Westat, Inc, Rockville, MD, USA.

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