

Abstract #15600 Published in IGR 1-3

Complications of neodymium:YAG cyclophotocoagulation in the treatment of open-angle glaucoma

Jennings BJ; Mathews DE
Optometry and Vision Science 1999; 76: 686-691

A retrospective study was performed to determine the complications that occurred after cyclophotocoagulation. The condition of 33 eyes in 25 patients was observed from one month to one year after application of cyclophotocoagulation with a neodymium:YAG (Nd:YAG) laser for open-angle glaucoma. The number of treatment burns ranged from 16 to 50, and laser output energy ranged from 3-7 J. Complications included anterior uveitis in 14 eyes (42%), conjunctival injection in 12 eyes (36%), pain in nine eyes (30%), and conjunctival hemorrhage in five eyes (15%). Corneal edema, intraocular pressure spikes, and corneal epithelial defects were each noted in three (9%) of the eyes treated, whereas cataracts developed in four (12%) of the eyes. Two eyes (6%) developed anterior segment ischemia with subsequent phthisis bulbi. Seven eyes (21%) demonstrated no adverse reactions.

Dr. B.J. Jennings, Vitreo-Retinal Foundation, 825 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Memphis, TN 38120; USA


12.10 Cyclodestruction (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment)

Issue 1-3

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