

Abstract #15753 Published in IGR 2-3

Effect of remifentanil compared with fentanyl on intraocular pressure after succinylcholine and tracheal intubation

Ng HP; Chen FG; Yeong SM; Wong E; Chew PTK
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2000; 85: 785-787

Rapid sequence induction using succinylcholine is associated with an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). This may lead to loss of ocular contents in open globe injuries. No method has previously been shown to prevent this increase in IOP. The authors investigated whether remifentanil, an ultra-short-acting opioid, could attenuate this increase in IOP during rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia. Forty-five patients were randomized blindly to receive remifentanil 1 μg kg-1, fentanyl 2 μg kg-1 or placebo one minute before thiopental, succinylcholine and tracheal intubation. IOP and hemodynamic variables were measured before, one minute after the test solution, 30 seconds after thiopental, 30 seconds after succinylcholine, immediately after intubation and then every three minutes for nine minutes. Remifentanil slowed the increase in IOP after succinylcholine and intubation, so it would be suitable for use in open globe injuries.

Dr. H.P. Ng, Department of Anaesthesia, National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore


12.17 Anesthesia (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment)

Issue 2-3

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