

Abstract #15779 Published in IGR 2-3

Effect of CO2 pneumoperitoneum on early cellular markers of retinal ischemia in rabbits with alpha-chymotrypsin-induced glaucoma

Lentschener C; Fredi-Reygrobellet D; Bouaziz H; Mazoit JX; Niessen F; Benhamou D
Surgical Endoscopy 2000; 14: 1057-1061

BACKGROUND: Increased intraperitoneal pressure in the head-down position is associated with a significant increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) in rabbits with α-chymotrypsin-induced glaucoma. Also, the retinal cells are weakened by the induction of increased IOP, and/or glaucoma, even when IOP is controlled by adequate therapy; therefore, these cells need to be protected from any additional aggression. Actin and vimentin are proteins of the retinal cell cytoskeleton that react readily in response to retinal injuries, including ischemia and glaucoma. Early changes in these cytoskeleton proteins determine the morphological changes observed after retinal damage. Therefore, the authors set out to investigate intracytoplasmic changes in vimentin and actin after a four-hour CO2 pneumoperitoneum in the head-down position in rabbits with α-chymotrypsin-induced glaucoma. METHODS: Twenty-one rabbits with α-chymotrypsin-induced glaucoma in one eye received general anesthesia for four hours in the head-down position and were randomly allocated to have (a) no pneumoperitoneum, (b) a 10 mmHg CO2 pneumoperitoneum, or (c) a 20 mmHg CO2 pneumoperitoneum. At the end of the trial, both the right glaucomatous and the left control eyes were enucleated and investigated immunocytochemically for alterations in vimentin and actin, and morphologically for retinal layer disorganization. RESULTS: Except for the preexisting morphological changes induced by glaucoma, both the control and the glaucomatous eyes in all rabbits appeared normal in terms of retinal layer organization and the distribution of intracellular vimentin and actin whatever the intraperitoneal pressure level applied. CONCLUSIONS: In rabbits with alpha-chymotrypsin-induced glaucoma, a four-hour CO2 pneumoperitoneum of ≤20 mmHg in the head-down position did not induce either retinal layer disorganization or alteration of actin or vimentin.

Dr. C. Lentschener, Department of Anesthesia, Université Paris-Sud, Hôpital Antoine Beclere, 157 rue de la Porte de Trivaux, 92141 Clamart Cedex, France


11.14 Investigational drugs; pharmacological experiments (Part of: 11 Medical treatment)

Issue 2-3

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