

Abstract #15863 Published in IGR 2-3

Hypothyroidism and primary open-angle glaucoma

Munoz-Negrete FJ; Rebolleda G; Almodovar F; Diaz B; Varela C
Ophthalmologica 2000; 214: 347-349

OBJECTIVE: To test if there is an association between hypothyroidism and primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and the utility of routine study of thyroid function in these patients. METHODS: This study was conducted in a case-control fashion. Seventy-five consecutive patients with a previous diagnosis of POAG and 75 control patients were prospectively evaluated for hypothyroidism. The levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone and free thyroxin were measured. RESULTS: Hypothyroidism was seen in only two patients with a previous diagnosis of POAG (2.67%) and in three patients in the control group (4%). CONCLUSIONS: As the authors were not able to demonstrate the previously reported relationship between hypothyroidism and POAG, they cannot recommend the systematic screening for hypothyroidism in patients with POAG.

Dr. F.J. Munoz-Negrete, Department of Ophthalmology, Ramon y Cajal Hospital, Madrid, Spain.


9.4.15 Glaucoma in relation to systemic disease (Part of: 9 Clinical forms of glaucomas > 9.4 Glaucomas associated with other ocular and systemic disorders)

Issue 2-3

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