PURPOSE: The development of health economic data for vision loss and eye disease is described. DESIGN: Data from population-based epidemiologic studies of eye disease, studies of the impact of vision loss on daily living, Australian national health-care costs, census, and demographic projections were combined to develop a model of the economic impact of vision loss in Australia. METHODS: Data were considered to assess the current magnitude and costs of vision loss and to make projections as to future costs. Further analysis investigated the costs and economic benefits of various interventions to address avoidable vision loss. RESULTS: The amount of vision loss increases three-fold and the number with vision loss will double in 20 years. Vision loss cost Australia a total of AU $9.85 billion in 2004. Vision loss ranks seventh in causes of loss of well-being. An intervention package to address avoidable vision loss would cost AU $190 million or AU $5,591/Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) and give lifetime savings of AU $911 million. CONCLUSIONS: Although specific for Australia, these data can help guide health care policy debate and the priority given to eye care in other developed economies. For each dollar spent on the prevention of vision loss and eye care, there is a 5 dollar return to the community.
Dr. H.R. Taylor, Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, 32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia.
14 Costing studies; pharmacoeconomics
1.4 Quality of life (Part of: 1 General aspects)