PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of frequency doubling technology (FDT) as a screening test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One-hundred and six eyes of 106 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and 66 eyes of 66 normal subjects were examined in a screening program using FDT. The test results were evaluated by comparison with the results obtained with a Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) and/or the appearance of the optic disc. RESULTS: The sensitivity and specificity of FDT regarding the existence of abnormal points worse than mild relative loss were 88% and 95%, respectively. At least one abnormal point worse than mild relative loss with FDT was detected in over 90% of the abnormal hemifields equal to or worse than stage 2 of Aulhorn's classification modified by Greve, but it was 55% and 65% in stages 0-1 and 1, respectively. Nerve fiber layer defects were found in 67% of the hemifields, which were judged as abnormal with FDT but as normal with HFA. CONCLUSIONS: FDT is useful for detection of glaucomatous visual field defects in stage 2 or worse. FDT may detect early glaucomatous visual field defects overlooked with HFA testing. LA: Japanese
Dr M. Saito, Department of Ophthalmology, Hachioji Medical Center, Tokyo Medical University, 1163 Tate-machi, Hachioji 193-0998, Japan
6.6.3 Special methods (e.g. color, contrast, SWAP etc.) (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests)