BACKGROUND: Because intraocular pressure-lowering agents should have a good safety profile with regard to ocular hemodynamics, the innocuousness of unoprostone isopropyl 0.15% with regard to ocular hemodynamics in vasospastic patients with normal-tension glaucoma was assessed in a pilot study. METHODS: Corneal temperature as a parameter of ocular blood flow and choroidal and optic nerve blood flow as assessed by means of laser Doppler flowmetry techniques were evaluated in 12 vasospastic normal-tension glaucoma patients in a prospective, randomized, observer-masked, two-period crossover, placebo-controlled pilot trial. RESULTS: Statistical analysis in 2 x 2 two-way analysis of variance models with two treatments (placebo and unoprostone isopropyl) and two assessments (baseline and after one week of treatment) as within-subject factors disclosed a lack of difference between eyes, between the treatment (placebo/unoprostone isopropyl) periods, and between baseline and after one week of treatment in corneal temperature, choroidal blood flow, and optic nerve blood flow. The differences between the results at baseline and after one week of treatment in these parameters were not significantly different between the placebo treatment period and the unoprostone isopropyl treatment period, and this was comparable in fellow eyes for all the parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Unoprostone isopropyl did not induce any alterations in ocular hemodynamics in this pilot study with vasospastic normal-tension glaucoma patients.
Dr S. Orgül, University Eye Clinic Basel, PO Box, 4012 Basel, Switzerland
11.4 Prostaglandins (Part of: 11 Medical treatment)