

Abstract #19820 Published in IGR 9-4

Canaloplasty - A new approach to nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery

Koerber N
Techniques in Ophthalmology 2007; 5: 102-106

Canaloplasty is a new nonperforating glaucoma operation, which utilizes the experience with viscocanalostomy and adds a further surgical step to keep the ostia open and to stretch the trabecular meshwork permanently. During the operation, a deep sclerectomy and viscocanalostomy are performed as described by Stegmann et al. After this, a 200-μm microcatheter (iTrack; iScience Surgical Corp, Menlo Park, Calif) is used to dilate the Schlemm's canal circumferentially, injecting microvolumes of viscoelastic during catheterization.Retracting the catheter subsequent to the dilatation, the surgeon places a 10-0 Prolene tensioning suture loop in the canal and ties it to apply tension to the trabecular meshwork.

Dr. N. Koerber, Augenzentrum Porz, Josefstr 14, D 51143 Cologne, Germany.


12.8.3 Non-perforating (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment > 12.8 Filtering surgery)

Issue 9-4

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