
WGA Rescources

Abstract #21428 Published in IGR 10-3

Change of the hydro- and hemodynamic parameters following a surgical treatment of glaucoma and cataract

Karimov KT; Hajiyeva SA; Mammadzadeh AN; Agayev MM
Azerbaijan Medical Journal 2008; 57-59

AIM: To study the tonographic indications and hemodynamic parameters in the posterior short ciliary arteries (PSCA) in patients with glaucoma associated with the cataract before and after the combined operations. The research was carried out in 25 patients (25 eyes) at the age of 47-68 years old with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) associated with senile cataract (15 men and 10 women). METHOD: We used visometry, biomicroscopy, perimetry, gonioscopy, ophthalmoscopy, electroretinography, echography, A-scanning (by ECHO SCANUS-800), tonometry and tonography, pulse-Doppler-utrasonography (by Aloka SSD-1400 with transducer 5 MHz (Japan) for all patients. The hemodynamic parameters, such as the maximal systolic rate of the blood flow (Vmax), the minimal diastolic rate of the blood flow (Vmin) and the index of resistance (IR) in PSCA were investigated. The combined surgical operations included phacoemulsification or extracapsular cataract extraction simultaneously with the sinusotrabeculectomy. RESULTS: The study shows the change of hydro- and hemodynamics parameters in glaucoma accompanied by cataract. The strengthening of blood flow rate in PSCA and decrease of arteries resistance were registered by Doppler-ultrasonography at patients after operation. Besides, an improvement of blood flow and reduction of intraocular pressure were revealed by tonographic examination. CONCLUSION: The results of the tonographic and dopplerographic investigations have shown the favourable influence of the combined surgical operations on the hydro- and hemodynamics of eye at glaucoma accompanied by cataract. LA: Azerbaijani

Dr. K.T. Karimov, Azerbaijan Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Acad. Z.A.Aliyeva, Baku, Azerbaijan


6.2 Tonography, aqueous flow measurement (see also 2.6) (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)
6.11 Bloodflow measurements (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)
12.14.2 Extracapsular (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment > 12.14 Combined cataract extraction and glaucoma surgery)
12.14.3 Phacoemulsification (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment > 12.14 Combined cataract extraction and glaucoma surgery)

Issue 10-3

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