

Abstract #21940 Published in IGR 10-4

Predictive models to estimate the risk of glaucoma development and progression

Medeiros FA; Weinreb RN
Progress in Brain Research 2008; 173: 15-24

See also comment(s) by George Lambrou

In this chapter, we review the motivations and steps involved in the construction and validation of predictive models for the development and progression of glaucoma. We start with a critical review of the literature on the risk factors that have been identified as associated with development and progression of the disease. Subsequently, we review the steps necessary to build and validate a predictive model containing risk factors. We analyze the current models that have been proposed to assess risk of glaucoma development in patients with ocular hypertension and we discuss the potential for creating models to assess risk of progression in patients already diagnosed with the disease. Finally, we discuss some of the limitations of currently available models and the perspectives on this area.

Dr. F.A. Medeiros, Hamilton Glaucoma Center, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0946, USA.


Issue 10-4

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