
WGA Rescources

Abstract #23402 Published in IGR 11-1

Iris cross-sectional area decreases with pupil dilation and its dynamic behavior is a risk factor in angle closure

Quigley HA; Silver DM; Friedman DS; He M; Plyler RJ; Eberhart CG; Jampel HD; Ramulu P
Journal of Glaucoma 2009; 18: 173-179

PURPOSE: To estimate the change in iris cross-sectional (CS) area with pupil dilation using anterior segment optical coherence tomography comparing eyes with angle closure (AC) to open angle glaucoma (OAG). METHODS: Sixty-five patients from the Wilmer Glaucoma service, 36 with definite or suspected OAG and 29 with definite or suspected AC, underwent anterior segment optical coherence tomography imaging under 3 conditions (pupil constriction to light, physiologic dilation in the dark, and after pharmacologic dilation). The nasal and temporal iris CS areas were measured with custom software, 3 times in each of 4 meridians. The principal outcome variables were iris CS area and change in iris CS area/mm pupil diameter change. The relation of these parameters to potential variables that would influence iris area was estimated by multivariate regression. RESULTS: CS area was smaller in eyes with larger pupil diameter, those that had undergone trabeculectomy, and those of European-derived persons (P<0.05 for all in a univariate analysis). In a multivariate model with CS area as the dependent variable, larger pupil diameter (with a 0.19 mm decrease in CS area for each 1 mm of pupil enlargement, P=0.0002), and trabeculectomy remained significant factors. In a second multivariate model, AC irides had less change in CS area/mm pupil enlargement than OAG or OAG suspects (P=0.01). Change in iris CS area was essentially complete in 5 seconds (n=10 eyes). CONCLUSIONS: The iris loses nearly half its volume from a pupil diameter of 3 to 7 mm, probably by eliminating extracellular fluid. Smaller iris CS area change with physiologic pupil dilation is a potential risk factor for AC. Dynamic iris CS area change deserves testing as a prospective indicator of AC.

Dr. H.A. Quigley, Wilmer Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.


9.3.1 Acute primary angle closure glaucoma (pupillary block) (Part of: 9 Clinical forms of glaucomas > 9.3 Primary angle closure glaucomas)
2.8 Iris (Part of: 2 Anatomical structures in glaucoma)

Issue 11-1

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