

Abstract #25823 Published in IGR 12-2

Epidemiology of glaucoma and drug utilization in UK primary care

Maguire A; Thompson M
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2009; 18: S143

Background: There is a lack of published information regarding the characterization of glaucoma patients especially with respect to the prevalence of risk factors associated with potential adverse drug reactions. Asthma, COPD and CHF are contraindications for topical timolol maleate, one of the first line treatments for glaucoma. Given the co-management of glaucoma in the UK, primary care is an appropriate source to measure the epidemiology of glaucoma and its treatment. Objectives: To characterize glaucoma patients and their therapy. Methods: Patients were identified from The Health Improvement Network nullTHINnull, a longitudinal primary care database which at the time of this study included 358 UK practices. Patients with glaucoma were selected on January 1st 2007. Their medical histories were examined for the comorbidities including CHF, COPD and asthma and other covariates such as cholesterol and tobacco. Current glaucoma medication was assessed in the 60 days prior to the selection date and patients were grouped into the main therapeutic classes of latanoprost only, timolol maleate only, both latanoprost and timolol, other glaucoma treatment and no current therapy. Results: A total of 31,535 glaucoma patients, aged 20 or over, were identified representing a prevalence of 1.6%; the prevalence among patients aged over 40 was 2.4%. The median age was 74 years and 46% of patients were male. The prevalence of asthma, COPD and CHF were 13%, 6% and 4%. Nearly half (47%) suffered hypertension and 17% were diabetic, 12% smokers 60% had a BMI (greater-than or equal to)25. Median cholesterol was 4.9 mmol/L. Over half the patients were treated; treated patients were older. The most frequent unique glaucoma therapy was latanoprost (29%) and then timolol maleate (11%) and the prevalences of CHF, asthma and COPD were substantially lower in the timolol group (p<0.001). Conclusions: This study provides useful information on the epidemiology of glaucoma and provides clear evidence of chaneling due to contraindication.

A. Maguire. UBC, LondonUnited Kingdom.


14 Costing studies; pharmacoeconomics
1.1 Epidemiology (Part of: 1 General aspects)

Issue 12-2

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