

Abstract #27246 Published in IGR 12-4

Brinzolamide 1/timolol 0.5: Safety and efficacy of a new fixed-combination IOP-lowering product for glaucoma

Januleviciene I
Current Medical Research and Opinion 2010; 26: 2575-2578

Objective: To provide a commentary on recent studies with the new IOP-lowering fixed-combination product brinzolamide 1% 0.5. Methods: Medline was searched for brinzolamide% fixed-combination clinical literature (up to May 18, 2010) and the current comprehensive brinzolamide% literature was reviewed. Results: Compared with another carbonic anhydrase inhibitor-containing product, dorzolamide 2% 0.5, brinzolamide% has similar IOP-lowering efficacy. Brinzolamide% also produces superior comfort ratings as assessed by patients who have tried both drugs this may be explained by the more physiologic pH of brinzolamide%. A recent study reported that brinzolamide% was preferred over dorzolamide% at a ratio of nearly 4:1 among those expressing a preference. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that brinzolamide% is equally effective and more comfortable than dorzolamide%, a fact that may positively impact patient adherence, leading to an increased likelihood of reaching target IOP goals. (copyright) 2010 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved.

I. Januleviciene. Eye Clinic, Kaunas University of Medicine, Eiveniu Street 2, Kaunas 50009, Lithuania.


11.13.2 Betablocker and carbon anhydrase inhibitor (Part of: 11 Medical treatment > 11.13 Combination therapy)

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