

Abstract #46071 Published in IGR 13-2

Fiber-optic microcatheter trabeculotomy combined with anterior segment surgery in children: Report of three cases

Bothun ED; Hansen EK
Journal of AAPOS 2011; 15: 193-195

Pediatric glaucoma may coexist with other anterior segment disorders, and when 2 surgeries are indicated in children, they are generally performed on separate days. We present 3 cases, documented with video, that illustrate the combination of anterior segment surgery (including cataract extraction and papillary membrane removal) with fiber-optic microcatheter trabeculotomy in infants. In one case, the microcatheter procedure could not be completed, and a trabeculotome was used to complete the trabeculotomy. One patient developed a mild hyphema after microcatheter trabeculotomy, which resolved. All cases were performed without other complications and with satisfactory results.

E. D. Bothun. Department of Ophthalmology, University of Minnesota, Phillips Wangensteen Building, 516 Delaware Street, SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States. Email:


12.9 Trabeculotomy, goniotomy (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment)
9.1.2 Juvenile glaucoma (Part of: 9 Clinical forms of glaucomas > 9.1 Developmental glaucomas)

Issue 13-2

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