Prediction and prevention of glaucoma. Neurodegenerative eye disease glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness with estimated 67 million patients worldwide. Molecular pathomechanisms of glaucoma demonstrate both a considerable overlap with and remarkable particularities compared to other neurodegenerative disorders e. g. Alzheimer's disease. Identification of pathology-specific biomarker-sets is essential to develop advanced diagnostic approaches and personalised patients' treatment. Subcellular imaging and expression patterns in blood as the reliable platform for early/predictive glaucoma diagnosis. Following key pathways are affected in glaucoma pathology: stress response, apoptosis and DNA-repair, adhesion, blood-brain-barrier-breakdown, tissue remodelling, transcription regulation, multidrug resistance and energy metabolism.
O. Golubnitschaja. Department of Radiology, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn, Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25, D-53105 Bonn, Germany. Email:
3.5 Molecular biology incl. SiRNA (Part of: 3 Laboratory methods)
3.6 Cellular biology (Part of: 3 Laboratory methods)