

Abstract #5157 Published in IGR 1-2

Family history and some other factors in primary open angle glaucoma.

Konareva-Kostianeva M
Folia Medica 1998; 40: 78-81

OBJECTIVE: To study the association of a positive family history of glaucoma with age, systemic hypertension, diabetes and refraction in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). METHODS: Two hundred and five POAG patients were entered into the study. They were allocated to two groups depending on whether or not they had a positive family history of glaucoma: group I included patients with family members with glaucoma and group II--those without family members with glaucoma. Age, sex, refractive error, systemic hypertension and diabetes were analysed as factors in the groups. RESULTS: Sixty seven patients (mean age, 62.6 ± 1.2 years, SD) had a positive family history of glaucoma. Their mean age was significantly lower (P < < 0.001, F = 17.96) compared with the mean age (68.6 ± 0.8 years) of the group with negative family history of glaucoma. The frequency of positive history of glaucoma decreased with age. No difference were found with respect to sex, systemic hypertension and refraction between the two groups. There was a prevalence of diabetes in the group with negative family history of glaucoma. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study suggest that there is no association of family history of glaucoma with sex, systemic hypertension, diabetes and refraction. They show that the disease has an earlier onset in cases with positive family history of glaucoma.

Department of Ophthalmology, Higher Medical Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.


1.2 Population genetics (Part of: 1 General aspects)

Issue 1-2

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