

Abstract #5185 Published in IGR 1-2

Liczba komorek kubkowych w spojowce galkowej po dlugotrwalym stosowaniu lekow przeciwjaskrowych (Goblet cells density of bulbar conjunctiva after long-term topical antiglaucoma therapy)

Wroblewska E
Klinika Oczna 1999; 101: 45-47

AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of long-term topical antiglaucoma therapy on goblet cells density of the bulbar conjunctiva. Material and METHODS: Conjunctiva impression cytology specimens from 59 glaucoma patients and 30 healthy people were assessed quantitatively by light microscopy. Patients with glaucoma were on a stable regimen of one ( beta -blocker alone) or two ( beta -blocker with miotic) topically administered medications for a minimum 1-year. RESULTS: The results show statistically significant decrease in goblet cells associated with number of antiglaucoma drugs and duration of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term topical antiglaucoma treatment decrease goblet cells population of bulbar conjunctiva.LA: Polish

Dr. E. Wroblewska, ul. Organowa 1/58, 20-882 Lublin; Poland


2.1 Conjunctiva (Part of: 2 Anatomical structures in glaucoma)
11.1 General management, indication (Part of: 11 Medical treatment)

Issue 1-2

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