BACKGROUND: Telemedicine can improve access to care, especially for rural patients, and ophthalmology is a field that lends itself readily to telemedicine because interpretation of photographs is a routine part of diagnosing eye disease and patient care. We developed a novel tele-eye protocol based on diabetic teleretinal screening. We performed a feasibility study to see if our tele-eye program was comparable to the gold standard face-to-face eye exam. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-two subjects underwent the tele-eye protocol and then received a face-to-face exam. A masked reader reviewed the tele-eye data remotely and developed an impression and plan for the patient. The provider assessments from the face-to-face exams and the tele-eye exams were compared. Sensitivity, specificity, and percentage agreement were calculated for the tele-eye protocol, focusing on the most common age-related eye diseases: cataract, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. The difference between the autorefraction and manifest eyeglass prescription was calculated. RESULTS: The pilot study showed excellent percentage agreement between the screening protocol and the face-to-face exam. The percentage agreement for cataract was 100%, that for macular degeneration was 96%, and that for glaucoma suspect was 87%. The difference between the autorefraction's eyeglass prescription and the final manifest refraction was within American National Standards Institute for lens manufacturing guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: The initial data suggest that the tele-eye program is feasible to execute and appears fairly accurate when compared with the gold standard face-to-face eye exam. However, the study is significantly limited by the small sample size. This pilot provides justification of a much larger study of a similar design.
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6.19 Telemedicine (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)