
WGA Rescources

Abstract #56900 Published in IGR 16-2

Frequency doubling technology perimetry for detection of visual field progression in glaucoma: a pointwise linear regression analysis

Liu S; Yu M; Weinreb RN; Lai G; Lam DS; Leung CK
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2014; 55: 2862-2869

PURPOSE: We compared the detection of visual field progression and its rate of change between standard automated perimetry (SAP) and Matrix frequency doubling technology perimetry (FDTP) in glaucoma. METHODS: We followed prospectively 217 eyes (179 glaucoma and 38 normal eyes) for SAP and FDTP testing at 4-month intervals for ≥36 months. Pointwise linear regression analysis was performed. A test location was considered progressing when the rate of change of visual sensitivity was ≤-1 dB/y for nonedge and ≤-2 dB/y for edge locations. Three criteria were used to define progression in an eye: ≥3 adjacent nonedge test locations (conservative), any three locations (moderate), and any two locations (liberal) progressed. The rate of change of visual sensitivity was calculated with linear mixed models. RESULTS: Of the 217 eyes, 6.1% and 3.9% progressed with the conservative criteria, 14.5% and 5.6% of eyes progressed with the moderate criteria, and 20.1% and 11.7% of eyes progressed with the liberal criteria by FDTP and SAP, respectively. Taking all test locations into consideration (total, 54 × 179 locations), FDTP detected more progressing locations (176) than SAP (103, P < 0.001). The rate of change of visual field mean deviation (MD) was significantly faster for FDTP (all with P < 0.001). No eyes showed progression in the normal group using the conservative and the moderate criteria. CONCLUSIONS: With a faster rate of change of visual sensitivity, FDTP detected more progressing eyes than SAP at a comparable level of specificity. Frequency doubling technology perimetry can provide a useful alternative to monitor glaucoma progression.

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6.6.3 Special methods (e.g. color, contrast, SWAP etc.) (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests)
6.20 Progression (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)

Issue 16-2

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