PURPOSE: To analyze a multiflash multifocal electroretinogram in 20 patients with open-angle glaucoma (OAG). METHODS: The stimulation sequence consisted of a binary m-sequence (Lmax200 cd/m2, Lmin < 1 cd/m2). Each m-sequence stimulus was followed by three global flashes (luminance: 400 cd/m2) at an interval of 26 msec. RESULTS: The presence of a response to the three global flashes indicated an adaptive effect of the response to the preceding m-sequence stimulus. In the nasal retinal response average the relative amplitude contribution of the response to the second global flash in relation to the other two global flash responses was outside the range of normal (tenth-90th percentile) in ten of 20 OAG patients. CONCLUSIONS: The changes in the relative contribution of the response to the second global flash seem indicative of impaired adaptive effects presumably due to inner retinal damage.
Dr. A.M. Palmowski, University Eye Hospital, D-66421 Homburg, Germany.
6.7 Electro-ophthalmodiagnosis (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)