

Abstract #80538 Published in IGR 20-3

An Examination of the Frequency of Paravascular Defects and Epiretinal Membranes in Eyes With Early Glaucoma Using En-face Slab OCT Images

Mavrommatis MA; De Cuir N; Reynaud J; De Moraes CG; Xin D; Rajshekhar R; Rajshekhar R; Liebmann JM; Ritch R; Fortune B; Hood DC
Journal of Glaucoma 2019; 28: 265-269

PURPOSE: To examine the frequency of paravascular defects (PDs) and macular epiretinal membranes (ERMs) in eyes categorized as having mild glaucoma or glaucoma suspect using en-face slab analysis of optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-seven glaucomatous eyes, 44 low-risk suspect eyes, and 101 healthy control eyes were included in the study. The 101 glaucomatous and suspect eyes had a mean deviation better than -6 dB on the 24-2 visual field, and a spherical refractive error between±6 D or axial length <26.5 mm. Two OCT-graders masked to eye classification identified ERMs and PDs on en-face slab images of the macula and peripapillary retina using horizontal B-scans and derived vertical B-scans. RESULTS: Glaucomatous eyes had a significantly higher number of PDs and ERMs than healthy controls (PD, P<0.001; ERM, P=0.046) and low-risk glaucoma suspects (PD, P=0.004; ERM, P=0.043). PDs and/or ERMs were present in 16 of 57 (28.1%) glaucomatous eyes, 2 of 44 (4.5%) suspect eyes, and 3 of 101 (3.0%) control eyes. Further, PDs were present in 11 of the 57 (19.3%) glaucomatous eyes, 1 of the 44 (2.3%) suspect eyes and 0 of the 101 (0%) control eyes, ERMs were seen in 7 of the 57 (12.3%) glaucomatous eyes, 1 of the 44 (2.3%) suspects, and 3 of the 101 (3.0%) control eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Eyes with early glaucoma have a higher frequency of PDs and ERMs than suspects or controls and exhibit PDs even in the absence of ERMs or high myopia.

Departments of Psychology.

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2.13 Retina and retinal nerve fibre layer (Part of: 2 Anatomical structures in glaucoma) Posterior (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.9 Computerized image analysis > 6.9.2 Optical coherence tomography)

Issue 20-3

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