

Abstract #8131 Published in IGR 4-3

Molecular imaging of perfusion disturbances in glaucoma

Golubnitschaja O; Wunderlich K; Decker C; Monkemann H; Schild HH; Flammer J
Amino Acids 2002; 23: 293-299

Ocular ischemia resulting from perfusion disturbances may play a major role in the initiation of glaucoma. Possibly secondary to ischemia, autoimmunogenic events are activated in glaucoma patients with the increased prevalence of systemic autoimmune diseases. The determination of potential molecular markers in blood leukocytes could be useful for early noninvasive diagnostics of glaucoma. This study, using subtractive hybridization, showed altered gene expression in leukocytes of glaucoma patients compared to age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. Subtracted genes encoding lymphocyte IgE receptor (Fc epsilon RII/CD23), T-cell-specific tyrosin kinase, thromboxan A2 receptor, alkaline phosphatase and Na+/K+-ATPase are differentially expressed in the circulating leukocytes of glaucoma patients. These genes show expression profiles characteristic of adherent leukocytes, which could be an important contributor to the blood-brain barrier breakdown which has been found in glaucoma patients.

O. Golubnitschaja, MD, Department of Radiology, Molecular/Experimental Radiology, University of Bonn, Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25, D-53105 Bonn, Germany.


6.20 Progression (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)

Issue 4-3

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