

Abstract #86553 Published in IGR 21-2

Binocular superior visual field areas associated with driving self-regulation in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma

Yamasaki T; Yuki K; Awano-Tanabe S; Ono T; Murata H; Tsubota K; Asaoka R
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2021; 105: 135-140

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The aim of our study was to investigate the associations between driving self-regulation and glaucoma severity, and between driving self-regulation and glaucomatous visual field (VF) defect patterns. METHODS: In 247 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma included in this prospective observational study, a battery of ophthalmic examination was performed, including visual acuity (VA) and VF. Integrated binocular VF was constructed and mean of total deviation (mTD) values in four sectors was calculated (mTDsup-peri, mTDsup-centre, mTDinf-peri and mTDinf-centre). In addition, all participants answered seven questions regarding their avoidance in driving. (1) at night, (2) in rain, (3) in fog, (4) on freeways, (5) lane changing, (6) at high speed and (7) close to the car in front. The associations between these driving behaviours and 10 variables (age, gender, best VA, worst VA, the four sectorial average TD values, years holding a driver's licence and distance driven per week) were analysed using the generalised linear model with binomial distribution, followed by the model section method using the corrected Akaike information criterion. RESULTS: As a result of the model selection, it was suggested that deterioration of mTDsup-peri was associated with (1) avoiding driving at night and (2) avoiding driving in rain. On the other hand, mTDsup-centre was related to (3) avoiding driving in fog. CONCLUSION: Damage in visual function was related with driving behaviours in patients with glaucoma.

Ophthalmology, Keio Univeristy School of Medicine, Tokyo, Shinjuku-ku, Japan.

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1.4 Quality of life (Part of: 1 General aspects)
15 Miscellaneous
6.6.2 Automated (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests)

Issue 21-2

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