

Abstract #8919 Published in IGR 5-2

Glaucoma-screening with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II

Kóthy P; Vargha P; Holló G
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2003; 540-544

BACKGROUND: To investigate the clinical usefulness of the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II (HRT II) in glaucoma screening. MATERIAL AND METHODS: HRT II measurements were performed on 53 glaucomatous, 33 normal and 24 glaucoma suspect eyes. HRT II classification (glaucoma, borderline, and normal) was compared to the classification of clinical examination (biomicroscopic indirect papilla examination, applanation tonometry, threshold perimetry) as well as to the classifications determined with threshold perimetry or GDx nerve fiber analysis simulating a screening examination. RESULTS: HRT II measurements were successful in 82.7% of the eyes investigated. The diagnostic sensitivity of the HRT II was 60%. Specificity was 88.8% and 100% at different criteria for 'disease'. HRT II classification corresponded the biomicroscopic classification in 63.7%. Accordance of the HRT II classification with the GDx and visual field classification was 65.4 and 64.8%, respectively. GDx classification corresponded with the clinical and visual field classification in 41 and 44%, respectively. Significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation was seen between HRT II parameters cup/disc area ratio, linear C/D ratio and visual field indices MD and PSD. The HRT II parameter: retinal nerve fiber layer cross-sectional area and visual field index MD correlated in a significant negative manner. CONCLUSIONS: Although patient examination was fast using the HRT II instrument, the technique with the present software cannot be considered suitable for glaucoma screening, since its sensitivity is low. The HRT II seems to be useful when added to other diagnostic techniques.

Dr. P. Kóthy, Universitäts-Augenklinik, Semmelweis-Universität, Budapest, Hungary


1.6 Prevention and screening (Part of: 1 General aspects)
2.14 Optic disc (Part of: 2 Anatomical structures in glaucoma)
6.9.1 Laser scanning (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.9 Computerized image analysis)

Issue 5-2

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