Hypoxia and ischemia play important roles in the onset and progression of glaucoma. Insulin-like growth factors (IGF) are important neurotrophic agents that respond to hypoxia-ischemia. In this study, the authors enrolled 60 primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) patients and 104 healthy volunteers from the China Medical College Hospital. Among the polymorphism of IGFs gene, exon 9 Apa I C/T gene polymorphism is the most frequently seen. The polymorphism was observed following polymerase chain reaction based restriction analysis used to resolve the relationship between IGF-II exon 9 Apa I C/T gene polymorphism and POAG. The distribution of the IGF-II exon 9 gene polymorphism showed statistical differences in the distribution of genotype frequencies between POAG patients and normal controls (p = 0.010). The odds ratio of C/C homozygote was 0.266 (95% confidence interval = 0.636 ˜ 0.111). IGF-II is an important neurotrophic agent and regulates the suffering of POAG. C/C homozygote of IGF-II exon 9 Apa I C/T gene polymorphism is a useful marker of POAG in Chinese.
Dr. H.J. Lin, Department of Ophthalmology, China Medical University Hospital, No. 2 Yuh-Der Road, Taichung 404, China
3.4.1 Linkage studies (Part of: 3 Laboratory methods > 3.4 Molecular genetics)