Circular optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used to examine the surrounding of the optic disc in 69 eyes of 39 patients with primary open-angle or normal-tension glaucoma and in 25 healthy eyes of 19 normal subjects who served as controls. Tomographs were obtained of the peripapillary region at a distance of 1.75 mm from the center of the optic disc. Examination of cylindrical OCT sections revealed that the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) was very thick in the superior and inferior segments and was very thin in the temporal and nasal segments in the control eyes, indicating that normal cylindrical OCT scans averaged by the authors' computer program have two thickness peaks. In OCT sections from eyes with glaucoma, the RNFL was thinner in the superior and inferior segments than in control eyes and the RNFL thinning became more striking with more progressive visual field defect or loss as measured using a Humphrey visual field analyzer (30-2) program and Goldmann perimetry and estimated according to Kosaki's classification. This thinning resulted in deterioration of the two-peak pattern on OCT scans. It is of note that these changes in OCT findings were remarkably detected from eyes with stage II in the classification, reflecting the grade of RNFL thinning. These results indicate that focal RNFL dropouts and diffuse RNFL atrophy or defects in eyes with glaucoma coincide with the segment and grade of visual field loss. As a result, circular OCT around the optic disc is very valuable for measurement of the RNFL in the peripapillary region, especially in eyes with glaucoma.LA: Japanese
Dr. J. Hasegawa, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan
2.13 Retina and retinal nerve fibre layer (Part of: 2 Anatomical structures in glaucoma)
6.9.2 Optical coherence tomography (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods > 6.9 Computerized image analysis)