

Abstract #15935 Published in IGR 2-3

Efficacy of timolol hydrogel 0.1% in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension

Ardjomand N; Komericki P
Spektrum der Augenheilkunde 2000; 14: 203-208

BACKGROUND: Liquid solution of timolol instilled in the cul-de-sac is brought to systemic circulation within few minutes. Due to the short drug contact time with the surface, it is not possible to get the maximum concentration of the applied drug in the anterior eye segment. In this study, the authors evaluated the efficacy of a gel-forming solution of timolol 0.1%. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty-eight patients with primary open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension received in one or both eyes (110 eyes) timolol hydrogel 0.1% (Dispatim™, Ciba-Vision) as initial therapy (group 1, n = 37 eyes), after changing from liquid solution of timolol maleat 0.5% due to sicca symptomatics (group 2, n = 30 eyes) or in combination with latanoprost 0.005%, (group 3, n = 43 eyes). Follow-up was six months. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to investigate significance of IOP change. RESULTS: In the patients from group 1, a reduction of the intraocular pressure (IOP) of 22% (after one month) to 27% (after six months) (p < 0.0001) was observed, and in patients from group 2, a further reduction of 10%-13% (one to six months) was seen (p < 0.001). In patients from group 3, the average IOP reduction was 38% (p < 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Timolol hydrogel 0.1% is a new and effective form of topical beta blocker application. The advantage lies in the once-a-day application and the 0.1% concentration. An average IOP reduction of 38% and good drug tolerance was observed in combination with latanoprost 0.005%. The application in a gel form presents an alternative to the liquid solution of timolol, especially in patients with conjunctivitis sicca.LA: German

N. Ardjomand, Department of Immunology, Division of Medicine, Imperial College School of Medicine, Du Cane Road, W12 0NN London, UK


11.3.4 Betablocker (Part of: 11 Medical treatment > 11.3 Adrenergic drugs)

Issue 2-3

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