

Abstract #21427 Published in IGR 10-3

Angle-closure glaucoma secondary to nonspecific orbital inflammatory: Case report

Nasser LS; da Costa VLL; Taniguchi MP; Bolanho A; Petrilli AMN
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 2007; 70: 1029-1033

The nonspecific orbital inflammatory presents several clinical forms. When it evolves the posterior segment of the eye, usually by contiguity, it can lead to serious damage to vision functions. Posterior scleritis causes permanent damage to the vision and rarely progresses to acute glaucoma. Case report: E.N., a 24-year-old black man, complained of pain in the left eye (OS) for ten days, with low visual acuity, malaise, nauseas and vomiting. On ophthalmologic examination, he presented proptosis, restricted eye movements and edema on the upper left eyelid. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/20 in OD and counting fingers at 1.5m in OS. The intraocular pressure was 14mmHg in OD and 34 mmHg in OS. The biomicroscopy presented in OS conjunctival hyperemia cornea with keratic precipitates, shallow anterior chamber with cells and flare 2+. Gonioscopy in OS showed angle-closure of 360°. The ophthalmoscopic examination revealed increased vascular tortuosity and posterior pole edema. Treatment for acute glaucoma was initiated and complementary tests were ordered. Ocular ultrasonography and orbit computerized tomography showed a diffuse thickening of the ocular wall and extrinsic muscles. Other tests were normal. The presumptive diagnosis was acute nonspecific orbital inflammation affecting the ocular bulb posterior segment together with acute glaucoma. He initiated on prednisone 60 mg/ day PO. After two weeks of systemic corticotherapy, the patient was asymptomatic, with evident regression of proptosis and scleritis and normal intraocular pressure (11 mmHg in AU). Although not very frequent, acute glaucoma may be present in orbital inflammatory process and should be treated with systemic corticotherapy and topical medication. LA: Portuguese

Dr. L.S. Nasser, Rua Loureiro da Cruz, 35, Sao Paulo, SP 01529-020, Brazil.


9.4.6 Glaucomas associated with inflammation, uveitis (Part of: 9 Clinical forms of glaucomas > 9.4 Glaucomas associated with other ocular and systemic disorders)

Issue 10-3

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