

Abstract #22135 Published in IGR 10-4

Causes of low-tension shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy

Du X-M; Lu L
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 8: 1915-1916

AIM: To discuss the causes of low-tension shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy and to investigate the effective method of diagnosis and treatment. METHODS: Totally 285 cases (303 eyes) underwent glaucoma trabeculectomy or occurred low-tension shallow anterior chamber after operation, hospitalized from June, 2003 to June, 2007, were retrospectively analyzed on the causes, degree and process of diagnosis and treatment. RESULTS: Eighty-nine eyes (29.4%) occurred low-tension shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy. Of them, 6 eyes (6.7%) were leakage of conjunctival incision, 46 eyes (51.6%) were excessive percolation, 37 eyes (41.6%) were choroidal or ciliary detachment. CONCLUSION: Complicated factors may result in low-tension shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy, and excessive percolation and choroidal or ciliary detachment are the main causes. LA: Chinese

Dr. X.-M. Du, Department of Ophthalmology, People's Hospital of Yan'an City, Yan'an 716000 Shaanxi Province, China.


Issue 10-4

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