At least 20% of people aged over 75 years are visually impaired. Whilst many older people accept poor vision as part of growing older, visual impairment is associated with both physical and psychosocial morbidity. This article discusses causes of visual impairment in older people, particularly those regarded by some as being associated with 'normal ageing'. Such conditions include: lens ageing - cataract and presbyopia; dry eye; age related macular degeneration and glaucoma. Since ageing increases the risk of visually threatening disease, many of which now have effective treatments, it is particularly important for physicians dealing with older people to be aware of these conditions and to diagnose and refer the person on for appropriate investigation and treatment.
Dr. M. Eckstein, Sussex Eye Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 5BF, UK
1.5 Glaucomas as cause of blindness (Part of: 1 General aspects)