

Abstract #6172 Published in IGR 2-2

The efficacy of 0.2% brimonidine for preventing intraocular pressure rise following argon laser trabeculoplasty

Ma YR; Lee BH; Yang KJ; Park YG
Korean Journal of Ophthalmology 1999; 13: 78-84

Brimonidine tartrate of 0.5% was identified as the most effective and safe dose for acute intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering. The efficacy of brimonidine tartrate 0.2% in preventing IOP elevation after an argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT) was evaluated. Eighty patients were selected for a randomized, prospective study. Each patient was assigned to one of four treatment regimens: (1) brimonidine before and after ALT (B/B), (2) brimonidine before and placebo after ALT(B/P), (3) placebo before and brimonidine after ALT(P/B), (4) placebo before and after ALT (P/P). IOP elevation of 5 mmHg or greater occurred in 3.3% (2/60) of brimonidine-treated patients and in 30% (6/20) of placebo-treated patients. There was a mean decrease of IOP from baseline during the first three hours after ALT in all brimonidine-treated groups (7.1 ± 3.4, 6.2 ± 4.4, 3.5 ± 2.9 mmHg for the B/B, B/P, P/B groups, respectively), but no change of mean IOP in the placebo-treated group. Only one drop of brimonidine tartrate of 0.2% installed either before or after ALT was sufficient to prevent post-ALT IOP spike and minimize the undesired systemic adverse effects that two drop installation can produce.

Dr. Y.R. Ma, Department of Ophthalmology, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju, Korea


11.3.3 Apraclonidine, brimonidine (Part of: 11 Medical treatment > 11.3 Adrenergic drugs)

Issue 2-2

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