

Abstract #8337 Published in IGR 4-3

Modifications of visual evoked potentials in patients with glaucoma

Snegir MA
Neurophysiology 2002; 34: 52-57

The authors compared the visual evoked EEG potentials (VEP) elicited by presentation of a reversal chess pattern in patients with glaucoma and in a control group. Amplitudes, peak latencies of the main VEP components (N75, P100, and N145), interpeak intervals, and interpeak magnitudes were measured, and a spectral analysis of the averaged VEP was performed. In patients suffering from glaucoma, the latencies of the N75 and P100 components were greater, while the interpeak intervals P100-N145 and N75-N145 were shorter, than those in the control group. Glaucoma-related changes in the VEP spectral characteristics, in particular a drop in the spectral power of oscillations corresponding to the alpha rhythm, were observed.

M.A. Snegir, MD, Donetsk State Medical University, Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Donetsk, Ukraine.


6.7 Electro-ophthalmodiagnosis (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)

Issue 4-3

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