
WGA Rescources

Abstract #8921 Published in IGR 5-2

Glaucoma screening by prmary care physicians in southern Alberta: patterns, methods and deficiencies

Huang JT; Rhemtulla F; Huang PT
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 38: 279-284

BACKGROUND: This study was undertaken to determine the proportion of primary care physicians who routinely assess their patients for risk factors associated with glaucoma, as well as the elements that underlie whether these physicians screen for glaucoma. METHODS: A brief, confidential questionnaire was distributed to primary care physicians on three occasions. The survey asked about the physicians' background, their glaucoma screening habits, reasons for not doing routine screening, and measures that would help the physicians begin to do screening. Responses were categorized and percentages calculated. RESULTS: Of the 161 questionnaires distributed, 49 (30.4%) were returned. Of the respondents, 53% claimed that they routinely screened for glaucoma; more urban than rural physicians did so (57 versus 44%). Some of the screening methods documented were inappropriate. The reasons most often given for not screening were lack of equipment and skills, cited by 48 and 30%, respectively, of the physicians who claimed not to be screening currently. Most (85%) of the respondents who claimed to routinely screen for glaucoma said they would refer the patient to an ophthalmologist or optometrist if they suspected the condition. Among the measures that would help physicians currently not screening to begin doing so, training and access to equipment and facilities were most often suggested by those not currently screening, as well as by those routinely doing so. INTERPRETATION: If family physicians are an appropriate group to screen for glaucoma, and if mass screening for this condition is worthwhile, education and access to equipment are critical.

Dr. J.T. Huang, Bow River Medical Specialists, Suite 313, 4411 16th Avenue NW, Calgary, AB T3B 0M3, Canada.


1.6 Prevention and screening (Part of: 1 General aspects)

Issue 5-2

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