

Abstract #9225 Published in IGR 5-2

Cornea with Peters' anamoly: perturbed differentiation of corneal cells and abnormal extracellular matrix in the corneal stroma

Ohkawa K; Saika S; Hayashi Y; Tawara A; Ohnishi Y
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 47 327-331

PURPOSE: The authors examined histopathologically the anterior ocular segment, including the cornea and lens of an eye which had been enucleated in a patient with Peters' anomaly, because of untreatable corneal perforation. Special effort was made to differentiate the corneal stromal and endothelial cells, and the stromal extracellular matrix. METHODS: Light microscopy, with hematoxylin and eosin staining, and transmission electron microscopy were employed. RESULTS: Corneal endothelial cells and Descemet's membrane were not detected in the central cornea, where there were immature cells with a fibroblastic configuration. The inner surface of the peripheral cornea was covered with cells containing pigment granules in the cytoplasm. Cell density in the central corneal stroma was relatively high. The diameter of the stromal collagen fibrils was not uniform. A mature collagen fibril-free area was also seen in the central corneal stroma. CONCLUSIONS: Differentiation of neural crest-derived cells in the corneal stroma and endothelium might have been perturbed in the cornea of this patient with Peters' anomaly, inducing a defect in the corneal endothelium and qualitative and quantitative abnormalities in the extracellular matrix.

Dr. K. Ohkawa, Department of Ophthalmology, Wakayama Medical University, 811-1 Kimiidera, Wakayama 641-8509, Japan


9.1.3 Syndromes of Axenfeld, Rieger, Peters, aniridia (Part of: 9 Clinical forms of glaucomas > 9.1 Developmental glaucomas)

Issue 5-2

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