
WGA Rescources

Abstract #17657 Published in IGR 9-2

Efficiacy of the transscleral diode-laser cycloagulation and cyclo-anemization in the neovascular glaucoma patients treatment

Kasimov EM; Akhmedova AJ
Azerbaijan Medical Journal 2006; 3: 98-101

The comparative analysis of the remote results of the traditional TDLCC and offered by us laser cycloanemization (TDLCA)at the neovascular glaucoma patients were carried out. Surgical intervention was conducted at out in 75 patients with the neovascular glaucoma. The patients were divided into two groups: in the first group (20 patients) TDLCC was made, in the second (55 patients) - TDLCC with TDLCA. The initial characteristics of patients in these groups were almost identical. Comparative estimation of the surgical peculiarities showed that in the 2-nd group patients the stabilization of the hydrodynamic indices and improvement of visual functions during following 2 years were obtained. The comparison of the results of the diode-laser intervention in the patient with the advanced and terminal stages of the neovascular glaucoma showed that TDLCC with TDLCA ensured the stabilization of ophthalmotonus in the remote observation periods as compared with TDLCA. The flow-out of chamber moisture was twice higher during combined use TDLCC and TDLCA. TDLCC with TDLCA is the surgery of choice in the patients with the neovascular glaucoma ensuring the decrease of ophthalmotonus and regression of the ocular uveal tract neovascularization. LA: Russian

Classification: Neovascular glaucoma (Part of: 9 Clinical forms of glaucomas > 9.4 Glaucomas associated with other ocular and systemic disorders > 9.4.5 Glaucomas associated with disorders of the retina, choroid and vitreous)
12.10 Cyclodestruction (Part of: 12 Surgical treatment)

Issue 9-2

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