
WGA Rescources

Abstract #13191 Published in IGR 7-3

Repeat sample intraocular pressure variance in induced and naturally ocular hypertensive monkeys

Dawson WW; Dawson JC; Hope GM; Brooks DE; Percicot CL
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 426-431

See also comment(s) by Paul Kaufman

PURPOSE: To compare repeat-sample means variance of laser induced ocular hypertension (OH) in rhesus monkeys with the repeat-sample mean variance of natural OH in age-range matched monkeys of similar and dissimilar pedigrees. MATERIALS & METHODS: Multiple monocular, retrospective, intraocular pressure (IOP) measures were recorded repeatedly during a short sampling interval (SSI, 1-5 months) and a long sampling interval (LSI, 6-36 months). There were 5-13 eyes in each SSI and LSI subgroup. Each interval contained subgroups from the Florida with natural hypertension (NHT), induced hypertension (IHT1) Florida monkeys, unrelated (Strasbourg, France) induced hypertensives (IHT2), and Florida age-range matched controls (C). Repeat-sample individual variance means and related IOPs were analyzed by a parametric analysis of variance (ANOV) and results compared to non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis ANOV. RESULTS: As designed, all group intraocular pressure distributions were significantly different (P ≤ 0.009) except for the two (Florida/Strasbourg) induced OH groups. A parametric 2 x 4 design ANOV for mean variance showed large significant effects due to treatment group and sampling interval. Similar results were produced by the nonparametric ANOV. Induced OH sample variance (LSI) was 43x the natural OH sample variance-mean. The same relationship for the SSI was 12x. CONCLUSION: Laser induced ocular hypertension in rhesus monkeys produces large IOP repeat-sample variance mean results compared to controls and natural OH.

Dr. W.W. Dawson, Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32610-0284, USA.


5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models

Issue 7-3

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