

Bowd C 4

Showing records 1 to 4 | Display all abstracts from Bowd C

9661 Corneal thickness as a risk factor for visual field loss in patients with preperimetric glaucomatous optic neuropathy
Medeiros FA; Sample PA; Zangwill LM; Bowd C; Aihara M; Weinreb RN
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 805-813
9781 Fourier analysis of optical coherence tomography and scanning laser polarimetry retinal nerve fiber layer measurements in the diagnosis of glaucoma
Essock EA; Sinai MJ; Bowd C; Zangwill LM; Weinreb RN
Archives of Ophthalmology 2003; 121: 1238-1245
9787 Assessment of the retinal nerve fiber layer of the normal and glaucomatous monkey with scanning laser polarimetry
Weinreb RN; Bowd C; Zangwill LM; Stamper RL
Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society 2002; 100: 161-167
9788 Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measured with optical coherence tomography is related to visual function in glaucomatous eyes
El Beltagi TA; Bowd C; Boden C; Amini P; Sample PA; Zangwill LM; Weinreb RN
Ophthalmology 2003; 110: 2185-2191

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