

Jonas JB 7

Showing records 1 to 7 | Display all abstracts from Jonas JB

5997 Ophthalmoscopic detectability of the parafoveal annular reflex in the evaluation of the optic nerve: an experimental study in rhesus monkeys
Hayreh SS; Jonas JB
Ophthalmology 2000; 107: 1009-1014
5998 Appearance of the optic disk and retinal nerve fiber layer in atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension: an experimental study in rhesus monkeys
Hayreh SS; Jonas JB
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 130: 91-96
6019 Discriminant analysis models for early detection of glaucomatous optic disc changes
Iester M; Jonas JB; Mardin CY; Budde WM
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 464-468
6021 Ranking of optic disc variables for detection of glaucomatous optic nerve damage
Jonas JB; Bergua A; Schmitz-Valckenberg P; Papastathopoulos KI; Budde WM
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2000; 41: 1764-1773
6023 Morphometric changes in optic discs with morphological progression of the glaucomatous optic atrophy measured with laser scanning tomography
Mardin CY; Horn F; Budde WM; Jonas JB
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2000; 217: 82-87
6107 Disc hemorrhages and glaucoma management
Piltz-Seymour J; Nicolela M; Jonas JB
Journal of Glaucoma 2000; 9: 273-277
6157 Optic disk and retinal nerve fiber layer damage after transient central retinal artery occlusion: an experimental study in rhesus monkeys
Hayreh SS; Jonas JB
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 129: 786-795

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