

Reitsamer HA 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Reitsamer HA

10506 Alpha-fodrin is cleaved by caspase-3 in a chronic ocular hypertensive (COH) rat model of glaucoma
Tahzib NG; Ransom NL; Reitsamer HA; McKinnon SJ
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 491-495
10321 Model of endothelin-1-induced chronic optic neuropathy in rat
Chauhan BC; Levatte TL; Jollimore CA; Yu PK; Reitsamer HA; Kelly ME; Yu DY; Tremblay F; Archibald ML
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2004; 45: 144-152
10340 Tonopen measurement of intraocular pressure in mice
Reitsamer HA; Kiel JW; Harrison JM; Ransom NL; McKinnon SJ
Experimental Eye Research 2004; 78: 799-804

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