

Stewart WC 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Stewart WC

27330 24-h Intraocular pressure control with evening-dosed travoprost/timolol, compared with latanoprost/timolol, fixed combinations in exfoliative glaucoma
Konstas AGP; Mikropoulos DG; Embeslidis TA; Dimopoulos AT; Papanastasiou A; Haidich A-B; Stewart WC
Eye 2010; 24: 1606-1613
27031 Meta-analysis of timolol on diurnal and nighttime intraocular pressure and blood pressure.
Lee PW; Doyle A; Stewart JA; Kristoffersen CJ; Stewart WC
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 20: 1035-1041
27400 Intraocular pressure-lowering efficacy of brinzolamide when added to travoprost/timolol fixed combination as adjunctive therapy
Goldberg I; Crowston JG; Jasek MC; Stewart JA; Stewart WC
Journal of Glaucoma 2010;

Issue 12-4

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