

Clark AF 4

Showing records 1 to 4 | Display all abstracts from Clark AF

20429 Tissue transglutaminase expression and activity in normal and glaucomatous human trabecular meshwork cells and tissues
Tovar-Vidales T; Roque R; Clark AF; Wordinger RJ
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 622-628
20636 Suppression of keratoepithelin and myocilin by small interfering RNAs (siRNA) in vitro
Yuan C; Zins EJ; Clark AF; Huang AJW
Molecular Vision 2007; 13: 2083-2095
20684 Inducible nitric oxide synthase, Nos2, does not mediate optic neuropathy and retinopathy in the DBA/2J glaucoma model.
Libby RT; Howell GR; Pang IH; Savinova OV; Mehalow AK; Barter JW; Smith RS; Clark AF; John SW
BMC Neuroscience 2007; 8: 108
20640 Effect of immunomodulation with anti-CD40L antibody on adenoviral-mediated transgene expression in mouse anterior segment
Cameron Millar J; Pang I-H; Wang W-H; Wang Y; Clark AF
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 10-19

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