

Thomas R 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Thomas R

27566 Variations in NTF4, VAV2, and VAV3 genes are not involved with primary open-angle and primary angle-closure glaucomas in an indian population
Rao KN; Kaur I; Parikh RS; Mandal AK; Chandrasekhar G; Thomas R; Chakrabarti S
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2010; 51: 4937-4941
27349 A polymorphism in the CYP1B1 promoter is functionally associated with primary congenital glaucoma
Chakrabarti S; Ghanekar Y; Kaur K; Kaur I; Mandal AK; Rao KN; Parikh RS; Thomas R; Majumder PP
Human Molecular Genetics 2010; 19: 4083-4090
27252 Evaluation of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation through a needle-generated scleral tunnel in Mexican children with glaucoma
Albis-Donado O; Gil-Carrasco F; Romero-Quijada R; Thomas R
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 58: 365-373

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